Wednesday, June 1, 2011

believe tattoo

believe tattoo. I have 2 tattoos and find it
  • I have 2 tattoos and find it

  • Surreal
    Nov 11, 07:40 AM
    I hunger for a way to download these.

    I have studied japanese for a good while...and i want these ads forever. any suggestions?

    believe tattoo. Labels: elieve tattoos, heart
  • Labels: elieve tattoos, heart

  • wdlove
    Sep 22, 09:18 PM
    Certainly if you are willing to wait that long then MWSF might be very likely for an update. It all depends on how soon that you want to get a new Mac.

    believe tattoo. Jess#39; Latest Tattoo
  • Jess#39; Latest Tattoo

  • Roy Hobbs
    Aug 19, 10:09 AM
    How is this any differernt than posting a pic of you at a bar or a pic of something while on vacation from your iPhone (or other phone). Even without this Places feature its easy to figure out who isnt at home.

    believe tattoo. Believe tattoo herpes lip
  • Believe tattoo herpes lip

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 12, 03:05 PM
    Pages and Number are TRASH compared to Word and Excel(especially excel)

    Keynote is actually pretty good!

    Dont be a uninformed fanboy. k? Thanks


    You too.


    believe tattoo. I have the word “yes” tattooed
  • I have the word “yes” tattooed

  • Nejmann
    Apr 23, 05:51 AM
    1 liter in Denmark Cost 12,72kr that's 46kr for a gallon = 8,95 dollars for a gallon.. and we got the highest car taxes in the world, 180% :/

    believe tattoo. I elieve Uncle Dennis#39;s words
  • I elieve Uncle Dennis#39;s words

  • BC2009
    Apr 16, 02:42 PM
    I can't say I am a fan of Adobe Flash as I am a big supporter of an open web, but I must say that if cross-compiled apps are inferior then the customers in the app store will certainly vote with their dollars to favor the natively written apps.

    However, I can see Apple putting this new restriction in their license agreement so as to protect themselves in case the Adobe folks find some way to sneak things onto the iPhone via their cross-compiling tools. Apple is protecting their turf, but by error on the side of caution they set themselves up for bad PR even if they intend to be more lax in acting on those restrictions.

    Here is another example of that occurring.... certainly Apple is choosing to reserve the right to bend the rules where they see fit. But without the strict wording in the developer agreement they really wouldn't have a leg to stand on. They are doing the same with pornography by revoking/rejecting all those junk porn apps that polluted the app store while still allowing the "main stream" stuff from established publishers.

    On one hand, its Apple's store and if they don't want to pollute their shelves with garbage then I applaud them. However, somebody is going to cry foul since there is not another legitimate store for iPhone apps, and I wonder if this will eventually blow-up as some sort of new anti-trust thing.


    believe tattoo. I Believe Him Yo
  • I Believe Him Yo

  • Jimmni
    Sep 1, 03:43 PM
    yeah, it would only cost them $1000+ to have someone come round to my house and do something about it, well worth the �59 they would sell the end product for :rolleyes:

    do they check everybodys IP, how do they know i wasn't at wwdc.

    Exactly - why would they bother? I'm not sharing it. Plus, I paid for Jaguar (well, the computer it came on), I paid for Panther, I paid for Tiger and I'll 100% certainly be paying for Leopard when it comes out. I want to play with the new features every so often, and get myself all excited about what's to come. How exactly am I hurting Apple? They'd be fools to drive away a long time and dedicated customer by throwing legal issues at me.

    believe tattoo. big on tattoos, elieve it
  • big on tattoos, elieve it

  • Rend It
    Nov 21, 06:24 PM
    ... sooo, a thermocouple ( on a chip? Thermocouples have horrendous efficiency. I don't see how a such a chip in an enclosed environment (like a laptop motherboard) can achieve enough of a thermal gradient to produce enough current to be useful.

    I dunno, i'm skeptical.

    Skeptical you should be, but these aren't really thermocouples. The same physical principle applies, but thermocouples are really only for temperature measurement. These are thermoelectric coolers. See here (

    If you want to power the temperature change yourself, you need a high current. But if you want to generate electricity from them, then just connect them into a circuit with out any powersupply i.e. stick a fan's power terminals on that, stick one side of the TEC on a hot chip or cup of tea etc. to setup the delta T. (temp difference) then the fan will start spinning!

    Dan :-)

    While what you're saying is true in principle, I seriously doubt the practicality of what you're suggesting. TECs are moderately efficient at converting electricity into a temperature differential (or being used as a heat pump), but their efficiency in the other mode of operation (Seebeck effect) is very, very low (typ. < 5%). If you take a chip-sized (~ 1 cm^2) TEC, connect it between a hot processor core at 100 C and ambient temperature at 25 C, you will not have enough power to turn a computer fan at any modest speed. Furthermore, even if you could harvest that electricity and store it, the added energy would be less than 0.1% of a typical laptop battery. :rolleyes:

    If you wanted to use a larger TEC module (say 16 cm^2) on top of the 80 C CPU case, then the added energy would be less than 1%.

    Estimates based on info here (


    believe tattoo. quot;Believequot; Tattoo Design by
  • quot;Believequot; Tattoo Design by

  • freeny
    Aug 14, 12:52 PM
    Interesting article on how the Apple ads are turning off potential buyers in the recent InfoWorld. I blogged my thoughts on the campaign and WWDC here (
    Apparently Apple is turning on more then it is turning off if you judge by their rising market share.

    You cant make everyone happy. You also cant deny the adds are working.

    Using the ploy where you show your cool, hip and better then the competition is an advertising angle that has been both used for decades as well as working to sell your product-

    Pepsi vs. Coke (Pepsi was a smigeon of what Coke was before they began poking fun at Coke)
    Chevy vs. Ford (Talk to any one who is an American truck enthusiest and they will be on one side or the other. Chevy and Ford have been prodding each other forever)

    Burger King vs McDonalds vs Wendy's (Wheres the beef? Was one of the biggest ad campains ever and all it did was make fun of the competition)

    I could go on and on but I hope you get the point

    If you are going to judge Apple by its ads and not its products you are completely missing the point. I suggest you protest and go out and switch to a pc.

    believe tattoo. that elieve tattoos are
  • that elieve tattoos are

  • matrix07
    Apr 5, 09:54 AM
    They would be a liar if they say otherwise.


    believe tattoo. Phoenix Tattoo Design
  • Phoenix Tattoo Design

  • Juventuz
    Apr 1, 12:14 PM
    It's not DirecTV that has a good app, it's Tivo, which powers directv boxes... don't give DirecTV any credit, they're stuck in the 90s

    Umm, no sorry you're way off here. The DirecTV iPad app was developed by DirecTV. Tivo doesn't power D* boxes, the DirecTivo box is still a little ways off.

    believe tattoo. with tattoo nowadays that
  • with tattoo nowadays that

  • myteeth
    Apr 23, 02:40 PM
    see this youtube video and you will be able to determine whether CPU affects the overall speed more than GPU. This guy compared 11" MBA(with 320M graphics) and 13" sandy bridge MBP with SSD(with Intel 3000HD graphics )

    Of course sandy bridge MBA won't use full power sandy bridge. But you will know that MBA's performance is just overpraised by SSD, not by GPU. Once other notebooks get SSD, MBA's benefit is only limited to small form factor and weight.(maybe + high resolution)

    I just don't understand people overpraising 320M on MBA, this made me to join here.


    believe tattoo. Yant Tattoo in Thailand
  • Yant Tattoo in Thailand

  • robbieduncan
    Apr 15, 04:59 PM
    It's only on the front page:

    believe tattoo. Believe Tattoo Design by
  • Believe Tattoo Design by

  • Skika
    Apr 5, 10:55 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Really cant wait when the iPad will have serious processing power :).


    believe tattoo. Believe Tattoos On Wrist.
  • Believe Tattoos On Wrist.

  • ChazUK
    Apr 17, 03:07 PM
    The biggest reason why Android will not overtake the iPhone in app sales is that the iPhone is consistent in its OS revisions.
    Are we not forgetting that the market for apps is going to start to fragment come OS4? With 1st gen iPhone and iPod touch owners stuck without an update and iPad owners stuck on 3.2 until "Fall", development for iPhone may start to become a pain soon if you want to maximise customer base. I'm not sure how backwards compatible an app developed for the iPhone and OS4 would be when running on the iPad if it uses API's not available on 3.2.

    Then we have the potential of 3 different OS4 capable phones which may vary in features come the next gen iPhone. 3G can't multitask and will undoubtedly mis some OS4 features, the 3GS will do everything Apple has shown so far and I expect the next iPhone to have some more features over the last two.

    Android's open-ness which is a strength is also its biggest weakness. As a developer its a small nightmare to test and develop for it because of so many unknowns.

    Are we talking software or hardware wise here?

    It must be a pain in the arse developing for Android and working out things like, does it have a trackball or D-pad, what processor & how much RAM the device has, what size screen does it have, which OS revision is it using....

    So far as unified hardware goes, the iPhone has been king so far, I agree. :)

    Have you got any Android projects currently in development?

    believe tattoo. quot;Believequot; Tattoo Design by
  • quot;Believequot; Tattoo Design by

  • Dreadnought
    Jun 12, 08:34 AM
    Hi Redeye,

    I have come accross another bug, or it's my dual G5... or Atszyman is spoking me out! :mad: Like he's ever gonna catch up with me!
    This is the case: I have three folding widgets running for over a week now, no problem in that week. I have three because I want to monitor someone behind me (Atszyman) and my next overtake in front of me. But when I just looked all three widgets where on Atszyman.


    believe tattoo. elieve tattoo,
  • elieve tattoo,

  • CEAbiscuit
    Aug 14, 10:53 AM
    The guy should just stick to Dodgeball.

    believe tattoo. Cursive Hebrew Tattoo: Shoah
  • Cursive Hebrew Tattoo: Shoah

  • eshroom
    Nov 25, 12:35 PM
    Good company. I had an FM transmitter from them. Nice case too.

    believe tattoo. elieve tattoos will keep
  • elieve tattoos will keep

  • JoeG4
    Jun 13, 05:44 PM
    There's a reason why it'd be easier to make an AWS iPhone than a CDMA iPhone; CDMA is pretty much monopolized by Qualcomm, so if Apple wanted a CDMA iphone it'd probably cost quite a bit to make.

    Of course, Apple could simply buy out Qaulcomm. I kinda look forward to the day Steve walks out on stage and starts bragging about Verizon's awesome coverage areas lol.

    AWS isn't AFAIK monopolized by anyone and should be as easy to do as current GSM is. (I may be wrong)

    Jan 7, 07:11 PM
    Only contact pictures are synced, and a link to the persons profile is added as a webpage link in your contacts.

    What facebook does with the data... I assume nothing. you assume they share it. I suppose that topic is open for debate

    I've spent a lot of time adding appropriate photos for most of my contacts. The initial version that came out apparently had a bug and replaced people's photos with facebook profile pics with people who had similar names but weren't even friends in Facebook. (Even with the "replace" option turned off!)

    Also, what the app is supposed to do and actually does is two different things apparently. I've read reviews around the net about people losing data. It is obvious the software is buggy.

    And, who really knows what is done with the data? The temptation to mine data from users might be a little too much to turn down.

    Aug 14, 02:04 PM
    ...if you're selling soap.

    Imagine the following. You're Apple's ad agency, and you've been hired by the Reds, the local sports team. A few miles away is the home of the Blues, and in your town, the Reds make up the team affiliation of about 80% of the population, with the Blues making up the other 20%. There's a degree of rivalry between the teams.

    The Reds want more people coming to their stadiums. They need increased revenue ticket sales. The only people to attract now are the Blues. The Blues obviously like your sport, otherwise they wouldn't have chosen a team in the first place, but they're not willing to consider, as yet, seeing Red team games. How do you attract Blue supporters?

    If you're Apple's ad agency, your ad goes something like:

    Blue: "I'm a blue player"
    Red: "And I'm a red player"
    Blue: "Duh. I can kick this ball, duh, look" (*kicks at ball several times, finally actually hitting it the 7th time*)
    Red: *smugly bounces a ball on knee* "Red scored the highest last season, and we're consistantly the best team"
    Blue: "Hey! Hey, watch this" *attempts to balance ball on nose, ball consistantly rolling off and away. Blue chases after ball*
    Red: *Kicks ball up, bounces on knee, headbutts it, and catches it with one hand behind him* "We have some really skilled players"

    (Ad continues ad-nausium. By which I mean it's an ad that makes you nauseous.)

    Now, another approach might be to run an ad that consists of a bunch of shots from your stadium. You show some pretty good playing, stuff people will find impressive and will have wished they saw. You show the Reds most often, but, hey, there are two teams in every game. In other words, instead of taking sides based upon the team, you show people that if they come to your stadium, they're going to have a good time. They're going to see some impressive playmanship. Even if it's not their team, there's reason for them to want to go and see the next game.

    Which type of ad would sway you? Which type of ad would get you to go to a stadium owned by your team's rival?

    The current "I'm a Mac" series doesn't work because it appeals to fanboism, but in doing so, it also ends up being fanboism's victim. It doesn't appeal to PC owners, it just cements existing Mac user's sense of superiority. Except me. I cringe every time I see them.

    I disagree totally. People buy superiority. Thats what a good portion of the population wants. Thats why peop;le buy designer clothes. Thats why people buy fancy cars. Thats why people buy expensive jewelery. Thats why people stay at 5 star hotels. People want to feel like they are better than everyone else or they've made better choices.

    Not everyone of course. But there are alot.

    Jun 25, 10:00 AM
    A mistake? Unless I'm mistaken, when the 40GB PS3 was released, it was $399, and the 80GB version was $499. At least, those were the normal prices when I bought my 40GB.'s wasn't a mistake it was given to me for free....but it was during those times that the PS3 was the main deal and people rioted and fought and they were several people who were victims of theft when it came out.:D

    Feb 28, 07:11 PM
    Thanks for the pics kingdonk. It looks like the Open Directory service is there in the pictures, although maybe it's unconfigurable at the moment. I do not see NFS which is surprising.

    Overall, with the killing of the Xserve and Apple catering OS X Server more to the SOHO, it will be a tough sell since a lot of 2-10 person shops that don't require more than 500GB can probably have most of their infrastructure on the cloud.

    If they need massive amounts of storage and not a lot of physical space then an XServe would fit better with a RAID attached and backup unit.

    NFS is there, just keep your eyes peeled and you will see it some where in the screen shots along with samba and ipad file sharing.

    Apr 4, 11:41 AM
    My question though is how is this any different then having multiple TVs on your cable account? You can only watch TV on your account when your in your own home and on your own WiFi. Time warner took some pretty big steps to make sure you can't "steal" cable... It is a pretty secure app.

    I am just wondering why Viacom and others are bitching? Its just like going in the other room and watching it on the other TV... Doesn't allow you to watch TV away from home..

    This may be a very secure app, but the channels are bitching because they don't get their set-top box fee! I can't believe that Cablevision is actually going to win this one, but then again the Dolan family doesn't care who they piss off!

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