Wednesday, June 1, 2011

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  • macgeek18
    Mar 31, 01:45 AM
    It's currently $4.20 a gallon where I live. :'(
    I just got my license too, talk about bad luck.

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  • Geckotek
    Apr 14, 01:11 PM
    LOL I feel the same way...oh..wait a sec.

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  • LarryC
    Apr 26, 06:37 PM
    What they will probably end up doing is tell the air owners that they can download the software from the app store or they can buy the optional optical drive and install their new OS like everybody else does.

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  • Huntn
    Mar 11, 06:14 PM
    I would have a difficult time spending money at Home Depot, the thought of founder Bernie Marcus just creeps me out.

    Maybe I should educate myself. What is the scoop? Where I used to live in Minnesota I shopped at Menards. In Houston mostly it's Lowes or HD.


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  • MikeTheC
    Nov 3, 01:19 AM
    I'd like to tackle a few points in the discussion here.

    Dirt-Cheap vs. Reasonable Economy (a.k.a. "The Wal-Martization of America"):

    Apple has always had the philosophy that their name needs to mean a superior product. They have tended to shy away from producing bargain-basement products because it tends to take away from the "high-quality" reputation they are otherwise known for and desire to continue cultivating.

    At direct odds with this is the pervasive and continually-perpetuated attitude in the U.S. (and elsewhere, perhaps) that the universe revolves exclusively around the mantra of "faster, cheaper, better", with emphasis on the latter two: cheaper and better. What I have noticed in my own 34 years on this planet is a considerable change in attitude, most easily summed up as people in general having their tastes almost "anti-cultured". It isn't "... cheaper, better" for them, but rather "cheaper = better". You can see this at all levels. Businesses, despite their claims to the contrary, tend to prioritize the executives specifically and the company generally making money over any other possible consideration. They try and drive their workforce from well-paid, highly competent full-time people, to part-time, no-medical or retirement-benefits-earning, low-experience, low-paid domestic help; and the second prong of their pincer movement is to outsource the rest.

    Or, in short, "let's make a lot of money, but don't spend any in the process."

    My goal here is not to get into the lengthy and well-trod discussion of corporate exploitation of the masses; rather it is to show the Wal-Mart effect at all levels.

    More and more over the years I find that people have no taste. Steve Jobs accuses Microsoft of having no taste (a point I am not trying to argue against); I think however that he's hit a little low of the mark. The attitude out there seems to be one of total self-focus -- and not merely "me first", but rather "me first, me last, and ******* everybody else". They're the "I don't want to know anything", "all I want to do is get out of having to do anything I can, including not using my brain except for pleasure-seeking tasks," and "For God's sake, I surely don't want to have to spend more than the minimum on a computer" bunch.

    Now, clearly, not everyone in the U.S. is like this; obviously, if they were, Apple would have no customers at all. But this is a real and fairly large group. Short of Apple practically giving away their computers, it's hard to imagine them being all that specifically attractive to that demographic. Moreover, those people are not merely non-enthusiasts; they want all of the benefits of having this trendy computer thing, but wish to be encumbered by none of the responsibilities.

    To my way of thinking, frankly however large this group of people is, I would encourage Apple to avoid appealing to them whenever and wherever possible. If this means continuing the perception mentioned above of being a computer "for yuppies", then so be it.

    Market Share Percentage and it's Perception:

    Clearly, there is something to be gained by having the perception that "everyone's doing it". It's part of the reason why smoking, drinking, under-age sex, and drugs are so amazingly popular with us human beings the world over. It's part of the reason (maybe even a significant part) that iPods are so incredibly successful. Now, before someone here puts forth the argument that, "Well, you know, Apple's got a better design, and that's what attracts people to it," -- and that's quite true in it's own right -- let's break things down a bit.

    Many animals develop and learn through a process called "patterning", and through imitation. Humans are not psychologically exempt from this; we do it all the time, and particularly so when we're younger. It's the fundamental force behind fashion, fads, and trends. There are definitely positive benefits to this. Kids, as they develop their social skills, learn from others the socially approved ways of behaving and interacting. Please note I did not use the term "correct" nor "right", but merely the "approved" (or, one might call it the "accepted") way. We also learn and learn from such things as casualty (actions have consequences), and other factors too numerous to pursue here.

    Anyhow, all of these factors are in operation when it comes to buying technology (which is the boiled-down essence of what we're talking about here). Microsoft has learned this game, and has played it well for many years. Regardless of the "technically, we know it's bulls**t" truth, the reality of it is (and has been) when an unsavvy person walks into a store to buy a computer, and they see ten Windows-running computers on the shelf, and only one or two Mac OS-running computers there, they get the prima-facia notion that most computers are Windows computers, and by extension that statistically most people must be running Windows; therefore they should buy a Windows computer, too. There's a whole other subject here about how the ignorant sales people in electronics stores essentially use the same process to unwittingly deceive themselves into thinking the same thing. This is one of the factors which helped catapult Microsoft into the major, successful company they became. In truth, this specific scenario is a bit more 1994 than but it helps to explain why most people today who own a computer have only known life in a Microsoft world. As enough people attained this status, it became the dominant developmental factor in the world at large, which sort of helped to self-perpetuate the effect.

    Let's also not lose sight of the fact that these statistics of percentage of platform used by definition leave out one particular group of people -- those who don't use a computer at all. After all, if you don't own a computer, you can't browse the web, send or receive email, or have your computer platform of choice tabulated in any kind of statistical data sample. One might be tempted to think that such a notion is silly, but it isn't. True, once we get to the point that only a statistically insignificant number of people on this planet don't own a computer (which is still far from the reality of today), counting their numbers won't matter for statistical purposes, it does matter. Why? Well, the statistics as presented make it seem like Macs (or Linux, or anything else) are only used by a subset of people on this planet. Not true! They're only used by a subset of a subset, the latter being the number of people on this planet who have a computer to be counted in such statistics in the first place.

    Also, statistics vary depending on a variety of factors. It's also easy to write them off as a business or let them drop "below the radar" by various statistical gathering or reporting agencies; or merely through the informal process on the part of business owners of anecdotal evidence. Here's a perfect example of that very factor.

    When the Macintosh came on the scene in 1984, and as it continued through it's early incarnations in the mid 1980s, it entered the fray of lots of non-defacto computer platforms. Or, to put it another way, it "came late to the party". So, you had all these computer dealers who were already trying to sell Apple ][s, TRS-80s, Commodore 64s (and later, C128s), Timex Sinclairs, an assortment of other PCs running proprietary OSs, amongst which were those which ran this thing called MS-DOS, and so forth and so on. Also, people who wound up buying Macs didn't exactly fit the same profile as those who had bought the other computers. You had artists -- literary, graphic, musical, etc. -- buying these things. While they didn't mind being technologically self-sufficent, they were not people who were interested in such things as tearing their computer apart and having a go at it's various electronic innards. Anyhow, they formed their own communities, and for various reasons didn't get a lot of support initially from local dealers and computer software stores. However, Apple did get quite a number of companies to write software or build hardware for their Mac platform. These companies started using mail-order as a significant portion of their sales strategy. Consequently, Mac owners used it as their more-and-more-primary computer-stuff purchasing regimen.

    Ultimately, fewer and fewer Mac owners were going locally to buy stuff, due to availability and pricing. What then happened largely was this "perception" on the part of shop owners (and later their suppliers, etc.) that nobody out there used a Mac. As a result of their mis-perception, companies began to simply ignore us Mac users (I was around back then), acting as if we didn't exist; or at the least there weren't enough of us to bother supporting us or even trying to make money from us.

    Now, at this point there's no denying there's more Windows boxen out there than Mac boxen, but this is still a valid factor and should not be discounted.

    Besides, what number you hear quoted still, as it has for many, many years, depends on what your source is. I've heard numbers within the past month that range from 4.1 percent to 6 percent. Which one is correct? Does anyone even really know?

    Since we can run Windows, why run Mac OS? (paranoia of market erosion):

    I've been hearing this since before Apple ever disclosed their plans to switch to x86. It was actually one of the topics frequently -- and rather hotly, as I recall -- debated in these forums. However, I think the fear is greatly unjustified, and here's why.

    First, let's look at it from an economic standpoint: Buying a Mac to run Windows is hardly the most cost-effective approach.

    Second, let's look at it from a socio-economic standpoint: People don't buy a Mac to run Windows so much as they buy it to either try something different, or to escape Windows and the onslaught of problems that, in more recent years, it has brought to them.

    Third, and while this really applies more to tech-savvy people: Windows represents a security and stability liability which most other operating systems do not.

    In other words, by and large, people out there who are switching to a Mac are doing more than merely switching hardware: they're switching OS platforms. The fact that they can run Windows on a Mac is only slightly more of interest to them than is running an x86-based distro of GNU/Linux.

    Bottom Line: Apple will appeal to and convert those that they can, and those are the hearts and minds which are the most vital and important anyhow. Let's not forget the relative merits of dummy-dropping. Sometimes, Darwin's theories of Evolution are more satisfyingly applied sociologically than biologically.

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  • Jimmni
    Sep 1, 03:43 PM
    yeah, it would only cost them $1000+ to have someone come round to my house and do something about it, well worth the �59 they would sell the end product for :rolleyes:

    do they check everybodys IP, how do they know i wasn't at wwdc.

    Exactly - why would they bother? I'm not sharing it. Plus, I paid for Jaguar (well, the computer it came on), I paid for Panther, I paid for Tiger and I'll 100% certainly be paying for Leopard when it comes out. I want to play with the new features every so often, and get myself all excited about what's to come. How exactly am I hurting Apple? They'd be fools to drive away a long time and dedicated customer by throwing legal issues at me.


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  • Designer Dale
    Mar 22, 02:40 PM
    Never review your pictures.

    After college I had to sell my wet darkroom and rely on outside labs. I suffered from not reviewing my photos to a serious degree, they just sat in those white envelopes with the sticky glue on top. Digital has saved me as a photographer.


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  • stefmesman
    Dec 8, 01:29 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; nl-nl) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Does anyone know the wallpaper of white iphone in the picture?



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  • Demon Hunter
    Apr 3, 03:10 AM
    Word is far more productive for most people IMO because Pages just isn't a word processor. I haven't used Pages all that much and I don't own it so I suppose I can't really complain about it too much but when I have dabbled with it, it's come across as a little over-simplified. It might just be because I'm used to Office apps which are admittedly pretty bloated but nevertheless, Pages just gives the impression of being underdone and kind of useless for most people.

    I fail to see how it "just isn't a word processor?" I'm fairly amazed at the amount of negative responses this program has received, especially after Apple set the example with Keynote 1 and the glorious reception of version 2.

    Pages is a godsend for me. I'm not sure what you people are smoking but writing is not about buttons, formatting, and margins. At the heart of writing is simplicity, I believe, and it seems a lot of people become troubled and even distraught at the apparent lack of "function." Sounds a lot like the first impressions PC users get of Macs...

    Writing is a craft like art. You don't hear graphic artists complain about their palettes! I'll never understand why people want toolbars; confusing, myopic icons that march on in an endless, tyrannical parade across your screen. I despise nothing more than looking for what I'm trying to do in Word. Is it hidden behind this arrow? Maybe if I right-click? Alas.

    Perhaps, then, Pages is for a different kind of writer. I write a lot of poetry and fiction, personally, and the less distraction I have on my screen the better. There are times I simply cannot interact with Word on a creative level, unless I close every window and button... so I might as well be using TextEdit.

    I also fail to see how Word on the Mac is any different, or better, than Word on the PC. It looks prettier and has the same ****** GUI. What of it?

    Word's only saving grace is its AutoSave if you ask me.

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  • citizenzen
    Apr 12, 06:16 PM
    We can choose not to employ someone born stupid because they'd do a worse job so why can we not also choose not to employ somebody born of a particular ethnicity if they'd do a worse job because of it?

    You'll have to explain how a person would do a worse job simply because of their ethnicity.


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  • Piarco
    Jun 17, 04:00 AM
    Put my pre-order in at Game last night and traded in my Elite & 4 games I'll never be playing again. Plus a Dual Shock 3 controller I was going to replace with the Power A xbox-esque PS3 controller. I was very surprised to see the UK price is �199... which potentially makes it the cheapest price worldwide?

    Total cash to be paid on the 16th? �25 :D

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  • BlizzardBomb
    Jun 1, 09:30 AM
    OK then so...

    Mac Hardware


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  • bunger
    Apr 5, 10:51 AM
    I will look into those... any other options?

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  • wtfk
    Nov 14, 08:08 PM
    They were for it before they were against it. Seems I've heard that somewhere before.


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  • holtm
    Mar 18, 09:24 PM
    Thanks! So when is the magic time to get there?
    They said around 5:30 if you want it guaranteed.

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  • Bosunsfate
    Nov 21, 04:39 PM
    At first read I was going to be skeptical....I mean isn't this just cold fusion?

    Having read through the science on this now...we'll this is pretty interesting.

    The main hurdle appears to be the actual application of this into some type of consumer device...and that being cost effective at the end of the day.

    If this works out..yea, we are talking about some major changes....

    Why are these guys in Utah though?


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  • Hobofuzz
    Oct 9, 04:31 PM
    I registered just so I could respond to this thing..

    I'm getting really sick of companies that complain whenever they're met with competition. They love capitalism until it's working against them. Target and Wal*Mart are acting like little children who don't get their way.

    Under the Sherman Act, what Target and Wal*Mart are doing falls under the category of antitrust. Attempting to manipulate the market through the use of contracts and threats aimed towards hurting competitors is defined as antitrust. If Target and Wal*Mart go along with this, a class-action lawsuit can be filed against them for forcing us to pay their prices for DVDs without a lower-priced alternative.

    Target and Wal*Mart could easily compete with Apple's movie store, even without lowering prices.

    Grow up Target. This isn't a communist nation, we have a little something called Capitalism that's basically social darwinism: Compete or shut up.

    Simple solution for Wal*Mart: You know that little online music store you have? Why not add movies to it? You have enough money!

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  • efoto
    Sep 17, 10:22 AM
    Wow, I am the brink of being completely floored by all the responses, some of which are heartfelt, the others make my sides hurt :D

    I had intended, at the time of authoring, that this be a legitimate question....I really could use some advice :o , but the slew of pseudo-humorous to outrageously inappropriate (in the best way possible) has been great, thank you all for those too.

    I realize asking straight up is probably the best way to do it, however that can be harder than it seems for some people. I am quite extroverted and do well with people in most situations, however if I set my sights on a girl that I like I get a little cotton-mouthed and never have the right words. Thinking this, I never approach and being said words because I am convinced they are wrong.

    What follows is very long, overly rich, and poorly written. Proceed with caution.

    Alright, so with some ambiguity (to protect myself, I pray she is not a MR member :p), here is what has happened, leading up to the question for advice:
    Go to Apple Store, browse around and tell all the male workers I am just looking and do not require or want their assistance. Wait for some time until I see a cute female employee working nearby. She becomes free, I ask her a question regarding an Apple product (go figure), at the time Tiger because I was still running Panther. We start talking, this leads to that, off-topic conversations that we both seem to be enjoying, the whole while I am wondering if it is okay for her to "hangout" talking to me like this. Don't you have other people to help?
    Eventually she wanders off to help someone else. I browse for a while longer, another female approaches and I being exchanging words with her, in regards to OSX in general, which she does not know the answers to. She calls the first girl over, who also does not know. The three of us proceed to stand around a single system, trying to figure out how to do what it is I asked how to do. This whole time, I am quite confident in the solution, however I am quite curious in their suggestion for a solution.
    Alright, anyway. So she leaves after swinging by to say goodbye, because she is about to be done with work. I decide to purchase Tiger, which once I reach the counter they inform me I cannot exercise my student pricing in B&M stores. Dismayed and cheated, I return the product to the shelf and proceed to exit the store, since my product cannot be purchased and the lovely help has all but left for the day.
    Transition 10-15 minutes in advance. I am no longer in the Apple Store, and am meandering around the mall looking for something else. I happen to stop at a store where the storefront is partially in the mall (when looking at the products, I am still on "neutral ground"). She walks by. I notice her, but don't really know what to say so I say nothing. She continues to pass, and then it comes. I hear "hey", turn, and am greeted by none other than the lovely Apple Store employee who left me to finish her shift. She looks even better without the baggy green shirt and lassoed name-tag. I return her 'greeting' and she gives an offering, jokingly, of advice in regards to the store I am standing at. I give a not-so-witty reply (lost my words, again), and after a short exchange she says, "see you later". Now she might have even said "hope to...." before that, but I am not sure so I won't assume it was said.
    Fast forward a week or so. Next time I am in town I go to the Apple Store again. I see the same girl working, further back in the store. I meander in the front for a short while, and then muster the courage to purge deeper into the belly. We make eye-contact for a short instant. Next thing I know, she is taking off towards the back room, never to be seen again (or for as long as my patience lasted). She is back there some time, so I eventually leave, since I was never really looking at anything in the store. Another weekend, similar encounter save for this time I was with a friend of mine. I make eye-contact with her again, briefly, and next thing I know she b-lines it for the back room. I don't see her again as I am not looking for anything, my friend is a moron and doesn't use Macs so he isn't interested, and we leave shortly after entering.

    Alright, now if she has a good memory and likes me at all, she would probably remember that exchange. I have a great memory, hence my recollection of the events. So the gist being, I suck when it comes to talking with girls. I have a lot of girl friends because I am a ''nice guy'', but I have very few dating relationship currently (at 0 sadly), and am looking to increase those. Any advice to how to approach and what is a valid offer of something to do for a first date that isn't overly forward?

    If you survived reading that entire installment, I commend you.
    If you have reached the end without reading the middle, that is quite fine, just give your advice on how to talk to women.

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  • MacRumors
    Aug 19, 09:44 AM (

    May 3, 11:13 AM
    As an American so you have no idea what conservative or liberal really means. Those words have been distorted by your politics over the last half century. Conservative is supposed to mean "balance the budget and pay down the debt" through prudent spending cuts and no unnecessarily raising of taxes.
    which oddly was a Liberal trademark in the pre-Harper days.

    What your so-called conservatives have done is cut taxes for the rich only, increased spending in the military industrial complex and refused to pass healthcare reform that could potentially save billions of dollars per year. The US spends more on healthcare per capita than any other country but it has the worst healthcare per capita than any other country in the world. Even Cuba has better healthcare.

    Being a conservative is not about having no social programs but rather it is about being fiscally responsible with tax payers money and spending on social programs that serve the majority of citizens and help promote a strong and healthy workforce. The workforce is the engine of the economy.

    Tax cuts are not a bad thing but they should only be done when the government is certain that the budget will be balanced or when they are needed for economic stimulus and they should be across the board or to people on the bottom end.

    I suspect the Conservative govt we have seen in the past few years will look nothing like the next few. Their true colours are about to be revealed. Not quite Tea Party but still fairly unsavoury.

    Apr 25, 08:10 AM
    Surely if they do 1680 15inch, then a 1680 13 won't be unfeasible.

    Apr 25, 02:49 PM
    Given the source, I say "triple meh".

    Aug 15, 11:04 AM
    I don't think the Apple ads are elitist or snobish, however I do think the HP ads are very cool. By showing what the computer can do in a slick, sci-fiction way, the ads sell the HP computer in a way that the Mac vs. PC ads don't
    If Apple's seeing increasing market-share it because they're finally trying to sell the computer and it's this ad presence that is working. The commercials' content doesn't really work, but only die-hard geeks can really get fired up for these commercials.
    For Joe Sixpack, the commercials remind him that Mac exist, they're cool and they do neat stuff. And that's the good part.

    The bad part is some people think they're being insulted, and some of those people will matter when it's time to buy a computer.

    Apple should've gone the HP way, show how cool the computer is and stop mentioning the PC at all.

    However, during WWDC, take a shovel to Microsoft is so inclined, that's a time to stir the troops into a fury.

    Hear hear!

    Excellent examples of good advertising. Nothing about the HP ads insulted the target audience, stereotyped, or posted stuff the viewers knew was false (therefore ensuring distrust of the maker.)

    There's so much that's good about the Mac, and the current ads hide those positive traits in favour of defining the Mac in terms of the PC and generating hostility at the same time.

    I know a lot of PC users. I know geeks and non-geeks alike. I can't say I've met anyone who thought better of the Mac after watching the "I'm a Mac" ads, and I've met several that thought worse of it. And geeks are telling their families and friends, at the moment, that the ads are misleading, and Apple's reputation is suffering as a result.

    Chupa Chupa
    Apr 5, 08:57 AM
    Actually I figured they'd pick a netbook at the best tablet. :D

    1 comment:

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